"My Journey, My Passion"

My story before I became your Life Coach

About me

I am Sien, and I love talking about boundaries and intuition. It all started when I was adopted from China at age 5, beginning a journey that profoundly shaped me.
I grew up in The Netherlands with a Dutch mother, an Indonesian father and a Congolese brother. During the adoption process, my younger self was very aware of my desire to return to my birthfamily and was unafraid to express it. I tried my best to communicate this longing. However, it was here that I learned a crucial lesson: speaking up doesn’t always guarantee that others will listen to your needs or respect your boundaries.

In my teens, I studied dance at the Amsterdam University of the Arts, dedicating four hours a day for eight years. This led to constant mental and physical pressure, but I failed to understand the importance of rest, resulting in a burn out at seventeen. In the years that followed, I encountered people with narcissistic traits who effortlessly ignored boundaries. But this time I made a resolute choice to win.  
In my mid-twenties, I obtained my Social Work Diploma, delving into psychology and sociology. Yet, I felt that something was missing. What about our body and intuition? This question led me to explore healing and intuition courses, deepening my grasp of the mind-body-spirit connection.

With the wisdom gained from these experiences, I discovered Acceptance, Commitment, Therapy (ACT) coaching, a method that integrated all that I had learned into a harmonious whole. It was here that my vision began to take shape: 
I created “The Inner Campfire®,” a sanctuary, a safe space where you can recharge, align yourself, and find the courage to speak up. 

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ACT Coach Diploma
Social Work Bachelor's Degree
Energy Healing Certificate
Reflector Type in Human Design
ENFP or Campaigner Personality Type
HSP or Highly Sensitive Person

I Reflect

Go with a hype, time or a culture or stay true to your personal truth and your experiences. 

“Believe the world or believe your own experience.”

My Mission

My mission is to guide people to rediscover their intuition, speak from the heart, and use their voice as their superpower. 

I understand that for many, openly sharing unfiltered thoughts can be daunting, especially if you’ve been conditioned to conform as a ‘good girl’ or ‘good boy,’ leading to guilt, confusion, and self-doubt.

I firmly believe that genuine connections flourish when you can openly share your unfiltered thoughts and still receive the respect you deserve. Everyone deserves the chance to be seen and truly understood. 

Do you want to express yourself more freely?
Get in touch with me, so you can find your way.